Thursday 27 February 2014

Kaikoura Fieldtrip MGIS/PGDipGIS 2014

Last day of the 2014 Kaikoura fieldtrip!  We've a full house with 22 students - the VUW cohort is 4.  This is also the first year of AUT's involvement on the trip.  So pleased to welcome AUT, Barbara Breen and her students on board (not least because of the tasty, tasty banana bread Barbara whipped up yesterday!).  So far we've seen whales and seals, used multiple types of data collection techniques (included an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and different GPS units), gone swimming, hosted an open street map mapping party, run a cartography, competition, cooked some fantastic food, learnt some interesting things about crowd sourcing research, semantics, spatial analysis, metadata (no really, its true!) and remote sensing.

Its been a really good week - and this coming year should be filled with a lot of interesting, exciting and fun courses.

Dr Barbara Breen, GIS lecturer and banana bread maker extraordinaire!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Congratulations Richard

MGIS student Richard Law has just been awarded a Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport (CILT) grant to support his transportation GIS (Geographic Information Science) thesis project.  Richard is also funded by a VUW Master's by thesis scholarship. His work will look at the effect of measures of waiting times on public transportation modelling for Wellington City.  Richard will be working with Dr Mairead de Roiste (SGEES), Dr Yigit Saglam (School of Economics and Finance) and Dr Toby Daglish (Research Director of the Institute for the Study of Competition and Regulation).  The project will form part of a wider spatial econometric model (SEM) of transportation, commuting and housing within the Greater Wellington Region.

Congratulations Richard!